5 Reasons Why You Working Out is One of The Best Things You Can Do For Your Kids.


Here are the top five reasons why working out when you have kids is one of the best things you can ever do for them.


1.  Role modeling

Active parents have active kids. If you think that fitness and moving your body is important for your kids, it needs to be important to you. By showing your children that you make time for fitness even with your busy schedule, your kids learn that fitness is important just by watching.


2.  It can start a conversation about the importance of daily physical fitness

Instead of "sneaking out" for a workout, announce it. Let your kids know that you're heading out to workout because it's good for your body, your mind and your soul. Talk about the benefits of physical activity and why you need the time to move your body. It can be a very motivating conversation.


3.  Stress relief

Being a Mum is stressful. So very stressful. The endorphins that release during a workout should be reason enough to take the time. You'll come back from your workout more focused, happier and more clear-headed. It really is a win for both you and your children.


4.  Better fitness means more energy.

When you're fitter, you simply have more energy at the end of the day. Daily chores and to-do's are easier when you're healthy. So, when your kids want to play tig before bedtime, you're going to be able to do just that. A fit body moves more easily, has energy to spare and allows you to run, dance, tickle and jump... even if you've been up since 5 a.m.


5.  Working out doesn't always mean leaving your children behind.

Make it a point to exercise while your kids watch. Take your little one to a child friendly class like Mum&Mia and let them see you working out, take your kids to the park and while they play on the monkey bars, do a cardio circuit. Do some sprint work in a field. They'll probably end up chasing you and make a game of it. Fitness can become play for your kids. Fitness can become play for YOU. Make it a part of your family routine. The time together is amazing and, once again, you're being an amazing, healthy role model for your kids.

Whatever you do, Get active!   Get active for you, for your kids and for the healthy habits you want to instill in your lives. Your kids are important and they're watching everything you do. Make fitness a priority and be sure to include them in it. Every body wins.

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